Farmstead Aussies
My first Aussie “Trixie”, my best friend and I had 15 years of adventures. The last half of her life she suffered from elbow issues, as my faithful shadow she had the want and drive to work and play but it hurt her too badly. Trixie inspired me to offer folks a puppy whose parents were fully health tested for hips eyes and elbows including DNA testing for inherent diseases.
As a member of the family, dog breeder, we offer health and genetically tested well rounded Australian Shepherds as livable household family additions. They are diligent companions and capable to go any direction in job skill training (wink - smile) for folks. All of our puppies available have hidden potential waiting for you. Elsie and I did Agility several years and have done a limited amount of herding for fun; I am not a person who wants to compete. Dixie and Lexi attended Agility Foundation Classes and have shown their enthusiasm as faithful friends, family members, farm dogs, and budding Agility contenders.
Come see our farm, visitors are always Welcome by appointment.
Lori Sias
Elsie, Dixie, Lexi, Mazzie, Kootenai and Jazzy
LS Farmstead Australian Shepherds
Cottage Grove, OR